MPCACO participates in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) and as part of such participation takes advantage of the pre-participation and participation waivers afforded to it through the MSSP program. Specifically, MPCACO has utilized the MSSP pre-participation and/or participation waivers in connection with the following programs:
MPCACO has received MPCACO governing board approval that the various programs implemented by MPCACO, concerning its participation in the MSSP including, but not limited to, the savings distribution models it uses to distribute savings from the MSSP, meets the purposes of the MSSP and thus qualifies for participation waiver treatment under MSSP in the following specific instances:
And the following specific instances where MPCACO has contracted with Methodist Health System to implement and oversee a project aimed at utilization of certain medical devices at Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Methodist Charlton Medical Center, Methodist Mansfield Medical Center and Methodist Richardson Medical Center:
And the Physician Key Leader Program, which MPCACO has contracted with Methodist Health System to implement and oversee, which provides key leaders on the Methodist Health System medical staff with education and training needed for such leaders to better guide the medical staff and MHS in their efforts to develop programs aimed at value based medical care and provider alignment. (July 23, 2014, August 27, 2015 and August 23, 2016, August 2020, August 2023)
And the MTM Program which is aimed at making MTM services available to a broader group of patients by arranging, from time to time, for Methodist Dallas and Methodist Charlton pharmacy personnel to be periodically available within certain selected offices of physicians who are participants in the Medicare Shared Saving Program. The MTM Program is reasonably related to the purposes of the MSSP, specifically the purpose of encouraging investment in infrastructure and redesigned care processes for high quality and efficient service delivery patients, including Medicare beneficiaries. (May 2022)
And the Mayo Clinic Care Network Program, which MPCACO has contracted with Methodist Health System to implement and oversee, which provides physicians on the Methodist Health System medical staff with access to tools to assist in the delivery of care aimed at improving the quality of care available to patients of the Methodist Health System. (August 27, 2014)
And the Texas Accountable Care Provider Organization’s shared savings and shared risk programs which MPCACO participates in for purposes of developing and implementing population health programs and techniques that can be used to benefit patients of all types including patients who are beneficiaries of governmental health programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. (January 1, 2015)
Our ACO does not utilize the Payment for Telehealth Services Waiver
Our ACO does not utilize the SNF 3-Day Rule Waiver
All programs described above were reviewed by and received MPCACO governing board approval and confirmation that such programs meet the purposes of the MSSP and thus qualify for participation waiver treatment under MSSP.
Information for Methodist Patient-Centered Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Patients
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