Event Details
Breathe-Move-Meditate and Wellness Tips
- Categories: Methodist Generations, Online Event - (online only)

About This Event
- Event Type:Event
A discussion on wellness tips (includes but not limited to, nutrition, seasonal self care, insights on specific health support such as digestion, dry skin, joints, tired eyes etc.
Meeting ID: 930 1026 8362
In order to join, participants must complete the Zoom registration form that appears after clicking the meeting link
Information shared at this event is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your physician or other health care provider regarding any medical conditions or decisions about medical care.
Methodist Generations generations@mhd.comPreferred
- Price: Free
Registration Instructions:
In order to join, participants must fill out the ZOOM registration form upon entering the event.
Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 930 1026 8362