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Methodist Dallas Medical Center is located at 1441 N. Beckley Avenue. Methodist Health System’s flagship hospital is located just minutes south of downtown Dallas in a historic and tree-lined area known as Oak Cliff.
Methodist Dallas Medical Center
1441 N. Beckley Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75203
800-725-9664 – toll-free
Click here to download the Methodist Dallas campus map
Valet parking services are provided at the main circle drive of Schenkel Tower and the circle drive of Pavilion III. Valet fees are cash only at this time. $5 Handicap. $7 Patient or visitor. $25 Vendor.
Methodist Dallas offers parking validation for ER patients who park in our Pavilion II Parking Garage, to the right of the Emergency entrance. Take the parking garage elevator or stairs to Level B to enter the main hospital or walk toward the outside Emergency department entrance. All patients and visitors must pass through a weapons detection system to enter.
If you are visiting the Hitt Auditorium for an event or class, use the parking lot in front of the auditorium off West Colorado Boulevard. To enter, turn in at the traffic light at the intersection of West Colorado Boulevard and North Bishop Avenue. Drive up to the parking arm, push the button, and tell the campus police the event you are attending.
If you are coming to fill out an application for a job at Methodist, or meet with someone in human resources, use the Hitt parking lot. To enter, turn in at the traffic light at the intersection of West Colorado Boulevard and North Bishop Avenue. Drive up to the parking arm, push the button and tell the campus police you are meeting with human resources.
Our newly transformed labor and delivery unit is ready to care for growing families with advanced services, including a full-time obstetric emergency department. Find additional maternity care information, photos and video of our labor and delivery unit here.
For outpatient appointments, use the Pavilion II Parking Garage, off West Colorado Boulevard. Take the parking garage elevator or stairs to Level B to enter the main hospital. Our Outpatient Center staff can validate your parking ticket. All patients and visitors must pass through a weapons detection system to enter.
If you have a doctor's appointment in Pavilion II, use the Pavilion II Parking Garage, off West Colorado Boulevard. If you have a doctor's appointment in Pavilion III, use the Pavilion III Parking Garage, off Stemmons Avenue. All patients and visitors must pass through a weapons detection system to enter.
If you're visiting a patient at Methodist Dallas, use the main entrance on Beckley Avenue. Follow the driveway toward the main entrance, and bear right, following the signs to the Schenkel Tower parking garage.
During visitor hours (7am-8pm), visitors and patients must enter through one of these areas: Emergency Department entrance, Main Circle Drive entrance, Schenkel Parking Garage. The Pavilion Il Parking Garage and Pavilion Il Breast Center entrances are open to visitors from 7am-6pm. All other exterior doors are badge access only.
The sole after-hours and weekend entrance is through the Emergency Department off Colorado Boulevard.