Early childhood reading and literacy is important for a child’s cognitive development and can provide a foundation for success throughout the child’s life. Children who achieve literacy in reading at an early age have higher graduation rates and increased workplace success. Despite the obvious benefits, fewer children in lower socio-economic communities develop early childhood literacy. Charlton READS is designed to encourage reading and improve literacy among children in the community by providing free books and educational materials to each child during Well Child Checks between the ages of 0 and 8 years.
Charlton READS was started by a few resident physicians, faculty, and staff members from the Methodist Charlton Family Medicine Clinic. The program began after a small clinic book drive and has taken off from there. Now after multiple generous monetary and book donations, Charlton READS is thriving and providing books and encouragement to all kids under the age of 8 as well as their families.
Methodist Charlton Family Medicine Center is a comprehensive family practice office staffed by 24 physicians (18 resident and 6 faculty physicians). We provide primary care services to patients of all ages beginning at just 2 weeks old. We have a large pediatric population and love to work with kids and their families. Our patients truly become part of the family of the Methodist Charlton Family Medicine Center
Set Time Aside Everyday to Read to Your Child
Make the Story Come Alive
Give Your Child Access to Books & Opportunities to Learn
Donate books by dropping them off at the Methodist Charlton Medicine Center near the Physician Office Building #2.
Donate funds by sending a check or money order to:
Methodist Charlton Family Medicine Center
Attn: Charlton READS
3500 W. Wheatland Rd.
Dallas, TX 75237